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Digital Government MetaMonitor

Country: Netherlands

Country summary

eID The Netherlands distinguishes between an eID solution for citizens, DigiD, and one for businesses, eHerkenning. DigiD can be used to access public services, while eHerkenning can also be used for private services. DigiD has set up a dedicated service to assign or become a digital proxy. eHerkenning also includes a digital proxy system.

ePayment While a national e-invoicing service is in place, the Dutch government doesn't have a dedicated system for receiving e-payments from citizens and businesses. 

Messaging Business users can make use of Digipoort, a business-oriented electronic post office, where government organisations and businesses can quickly and efficiently exchange structured digital information. Citizens on the other hand use, a portal for personal services on which citizens can access personalised information and digital messages from the government. There is no government SMS service in place.

Transparency After logging on to the citizen portal MijnOverheid, citizens can see a large number of the data concerning them that the government has registered. The MijnOverheid portal also provided citizens with an overview of their ongoing affairs (lopende zaken).

General Digital Services Digital service user satisfaction is measured as part of the citizen survey for municipalities (Burgerpeiling). The percentage of digital form submissions is monitored for five key municipal services.

The Digital Government MetaMonitor indicates a high level of data quality in the categories eID and Messaging. However, improvements can be made with regards to machine readability. The same applies to data in the category Transparency. On the contrary, the Digital Government MetaMonitor records 100% data quality on digital form submission and user satisfaction.

Country Statistics

Source: Eurostat 2020
Indicator Value
Number of businesses 1,244,410
Population over 15 years old 14,675,305
Total users 15,919,715
Number of central/federal government organisations 45
Number of municipalities 355
Number of other administrations NA
Number of public and private service providers 1,244,822
Number of public service providers (total) 412
Number of regional public authorities 12

MetaIndex Chart


Download data

The data shown in this page are available in JSON format with a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence.

Download data

Overall uptake 0.83

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (total) 17,048,134 NA Yearly
eID transactions (total) 245,300,000 NA Yearly
eID app downloads NA NA NA
eID app installations 8,700,000 Yearly
eID-powered services (total) 1,436 NA
eID-powered organisations 1,154 Yearly

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (personal) 16,500,000 Biannually
eID transactions (personal) 232,000,000 Biannually
Digital proxy registrations 17,200,000 Yearly

Business uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (business) 548,134 NA
eID transactions (business) 13,300,000 NA
eID-powered private service providers 0 NA

Public sector uptake 0.88

Private sector support 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
eID providers 41 NA

Overall uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Public sector uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Private sector support 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Overall uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail app downloads 3,484,795 Monthly
Digital mail app installations 3,000,000 Yearly

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail registrations (personal) 8,394,269 Monthly

Business uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail registrations (business) 26,029 Quarterly

Public sector uptake 1.00

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital form submission 245,850 Monthly
User satisfaction 70 Yearly