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Digital Government MetaMonitor

Country: France

Country summary

eID FranceConnect is the eID service for private individuals developed by the French government. It can be used for both public and a number of private services. ProConnect is the upcoming eID-system for businesses, which was foreseen to be piloted in Q4 of 2020 and then rolled-out progressively. The eID system doesn’t yet include a digital proxy service, but it is under development.

ePayment Since mid-October 2018, the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) has been providing public authorities and users with an enhanced, secure and modern online payment service called PayFiP. PayFiP allows for the payment by bank deposit of invoices issued by local authorities and public bodies (the state, local authorities, hospitals, etc.).

Messaging France doesn’t have a government messaging system.

Transparency A digital citizen file finds itself in the piloting phase and is planned to be implemented in 2021. This file will allow citizens 1) to see which data different public administrations hold about them 2) to follow data exchanges between public organisations to facilitate public service delivery 3) to follow the status of their ongoing affairs.

General Digital Services The Online Services Observatory monitors both digital form submission and user satisfaction of the 250 key government services.

According to the Digital Government MetaMonitor, the quality of public data on the eID’s uptake in France can be improved, especially with regards to machine readability and update frequency. The same applies for data related to ePayment. On the contrary, data on digital form submission and user satisfaction in France is publicly available, machine readable, and updated regularly. 

Country Statistics

Source: Eurostat 2020
Indicator Value
Number of businesses 3,981,673
Population over 15 years old 55,183,238
Total users 59,164,911
Number of central/federal government organisations 57
Number of municipalities 36,065
Number of other administrations 1,623
Number of public and private service providers 4,019,762
Number of public service providers (total) 38,089
Number of regional public authorities 344

MetaIndex Chart


Download data

The data shown in this page are available in JSON format with a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence.

Download data

Overall uptake 0.67

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (total) 17,984,990 NA
eID transactions (total) 80,000,000 Yearly
eID app downloads 100,000 NA
eID app installations NA NA NA
eID-powered services (total) 750 NA
eID-powered organisations NA NA NA

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (personal) 17,984,990 NA
eID transactions (personal) 80,000,000 Yearly

Business uptake 0.75

Public sector uptake 0.17

Private sector support 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
eID providers 6 NA

Overall uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
ePayment transactions NA NA NA
ePayment value NA NA NA

Public sector uptake 0.00

Private sector support 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
ePayment providers 1 NA

Overall uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Personal uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Business uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Public sector uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital form submission 73 Yearly
User satisfaction 73 Quarterly