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Digital Government MetaMonitor

Country: Denmark

Country summary

eID NemID is Denmark’s national electronic identification system, which is used in both the public and private sector. A NemID is always a personal account. It can be used to perform business transactions if the person has been authorised to act on behalf of a company. NemID users also have the possibility to authorise another person to temporarily act on their behalf in digital self-service solutions (digital proxy).

ePayment While there is a system for public authorities to realise e-payments to citizens and businesses, called NemKonto, the Danish government doesn't have a dedicated system for receiving e-payments from citizens and businesses. 

Messaging Digital Post is the public authorities' shared mandatory IT solution that makes it possible to communicate securely with citizens, companies, and other governmental institutions. Additionally, NemSMS is a Danish public message service that government and municipal authorities use to send service text messages to the citizens and businesses, who are registered with the service. 

Transparency My Overview is the citizens’ personal page on the national citizen portal Here, citizens can log in using their NemID and see some of the information on them held by the public authorities.

General Digital Services The annual report on IT use among the Danish population includes the measurement of several user satisfaction indicators as well as statistics on the use of digital forms.

For Denmark, the Digital Government MetaMonitor shows a high level of completeness of data on the uptake of NemID, NemSMS, user satisfaction and digital form submission. Improvements can be made on machine readability, especially with regards to data related to NemID and general digital services. Data on organisations offering insight in personal ongoing affairs through the central government portal are currently not available. 

Country Statistics

Source: Eurostat 2020
Indicator Value
Number of businesses 232,963
Population over 15 years old 4,857,628
Total users 5,090,591
Number of central/federal government organisations 149
Number of municipalities 98
Number of other administrations NA
Number of public and private service providers 233,215
Number of public service providers (total) 252
Number of regional public authorities 5

MetaIndex Chart


Download data

The data shown in this page are available in JSON format with a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence.

Download data

Overall uptake 0.67

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (total) 5,139,283 Monthly
eID transactions (total) 241,785,086 Monthly
eID app downloads 4,000,000 NA
eID app installations 2,500,000 NA
eID-powered services (total) NA NA NA
eID-powered organisations NA NA NA

Personal uptake 0.67

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (personal) 5,139,283 Monthly
eID transactions (personal) NA NA NA
Digital proxy registrations 666,363 NA

Business uptake 0.00

Public sector uptake 0.13

Private sector support 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
eID providers 1 NA

Overall uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Public sector uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Private sector support 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Overall uptake 0.50

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail app downloads 1,000,000 NA
Digital mail app installations NA NA NA

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail registrations (personal) 4,500,635 Quarterly
Government SMS registrations (personal) 3,016,329 Quarterly

Business uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail registrations (business) 700,000 NA

Public sector uptake 0.38

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital form submission 64 Yearly
User satisfaction 91 Yearly