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Digital Government MetaMonitor

Country: Estonia

Country summary

eID The function for electronic identification is integrated into the mandatory national legal photo ID, complemented by the Mobile-ID and Smart-ID solutions. The Estonian eID is used in both public and private services and is always a personal account. It can be used to register a business electronically and authorises eID users to act on behalf of a company. The eID system doesn’t include a digital proxy service.

ePayment Since November 2018, commercial banks operating in Estonia have been able to join the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) through Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia). TIPS allows citizens to settle payments in real time, night or day and throughout the year.

Messaging eID users have the possibility to activate the email or SMS notification service of the State Portal, thereby allowing public authorities to send documents and notifications.

Transparency Citizens can consult their data and ongoing affairs on their personal page on the national citizen portal

General Digital Services The state portal’s environment allows users to authenticate with their national eID card to perform transactions with municipal and government bodies, complete and send online forms and applications and sign documents digitally. No systematic measurement of user satisfaction has been found.

The Digital Government MetaMonitor indicates a high level of data completeness on the uptake of the eID and electronic messaging by citizens and businesses in Estonia. Improvements can be made with regards to machine readability of public data and update frequency. Currently, there is no public data available on ePayment, transparency, and general digital services in Estonia.

Country Statistics

Source: Eurostat 2020
Indicator Value
Number of businesses 93,095
Population over 15 years old 1,112,071
Total users 1,205,166
Number of central/federal government organisations 14
Number of municipalities 79
Number of other administrations 20
Number of public and private service providers 93,222
Number of public service providers (total) 127
Number of regional public authorities 14

MetaIndex Chart


Download data

The data shown in this page are available in JSON format with a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence.

Download data

Overall uptake 0.67

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (total) 1,400,458 Daily
eID transactions (total) 2,169,077,005 NA
eID app downloads NA NA NA
eID app installations 463,559 NA
eID-powered services (total) 223 NA
eID-powered organisations NA NA NA

Personal uptake 0.50

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Activated eID accounts (personal) 1,400,458 Daily
eID transactions (personal) NA NA NA

Business uptake 0.50

Public sector uptake 0.17

Private sector support 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
eID providers 6 NA

Overall uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
ePayment transactions NA NA NA
ePayment value NA NA NA

Public sector uptake 0.00

Private sector support 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
ePayment providers NA NA NA

Overall uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency

Personal uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail registrations (personal) 301,895 NA NA
Government SMS registrations (personal) 96,361 NA

Business uptake 1.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital mail registrations (business) 56,813 NA NA

Public sector uptake 0.00

Personal uptake 0.00

Indicator Value Machine Readable Update Frequency
Digital form submission NA NA NA
User satisfaction NA NA