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Digital Government MetaMonitor

Topic Transparency in Estonia

Myaffairs-powered organisations

The number of organisations offering insight in personal ongoing affairs (e.g. permit request) through the central government portal, absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of organisations performing public tasks (cumulative)
Data Not Available
Do you know a source for this data?
Data quality and other metadata
Source Not Available
Update frequency Not Available
Machine readable Not Available
Notes The State Portal allows citizens to consult the status of ongoing affairs, such as digital prescriptions and exam results in one place. No data is publicly available on the number of public organisations that have joined this service. Source:

Myaffairs-powered central/federal governments

The number of organisations from central/federal government offering insight in personal ongoing affairs (e.g. permit request) through the central government portal, absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of organisations from central/federal government (cumulative)
Data Not Available
Do you know a source for this data?
Data quality and other metadata
Source Not Available
Update frequency Not Available
Machine readable Not Available
Notes The State Portal allows citizens to consult the status of ongoing affairs, such as digital prescriptions and exam results in one place. No data is publicly available on the number of public organisations that have joined this service. Source:

Myaffairs-powered regions

The number of organisations from state, provincial and other regional government offering insight in personal ongoing affairs (e.g. permit request) through the central government portal, absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of organisations from state, provincial and other regional government (cumulative)
Data Not Available
Do you know a source for this data?
Data quality and other metadata
Source Not Available
Update frequency Not Available
Machine readable Not Available
Notes The State Portal allows citizens to consult the status of ongoing affairs, such as digital prescriptions and exam results in one place. No data is publicly available on the number of public organisations that have joined this service. Source:

Myaffairs-powered municipalities

The number of municipalities offering insight in personal ongoing affairs (e.g. permit request) through the central government portal, absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of municipalities (cumulative)
Data Not Available
Do you know a source for this data?
Data quality and other metadata
Source Not Available
Update frequency Not Available
Machine readable Not Available
Notes The State Portal allows citizens to consult the status of ongoing affairs, such as digital prescriptions and exam results in one place. No data is publicly available on the number of public organisations that have joined this service. Source:

Myaffairs-powered other administrations

The number of other organisations (non-central/federal, non-regional and non-municipal) offering insight in personal ongoing affairs (e.g. permit request) through the central government portal, absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of other organisations performing public tasks (cumulative)
Data Not Available
Do you know a source for this data?
Data quality and other metadata
Source Not Available
Update frequency Not Available
Machine readable Not Available
Notes The State Portal allows citizens to consult the status of ongoing affairs, such as digital prescriptions and exam results in one place. No data is publicly available on the number of public organisations that have joined this service. Source:

Mydata availability

The total number of registers from which citizens can access their personal data via the central government portal (cumulative value)
Data Not Available
Do you know a source for this data?
Data quality and other metadata
Source Not Available
Update frequency Not Available
Machine readable Not Available
Notes The state Portal’s environment allows users to authenticate with their national eID card to access and check their personal details; No data is available on the number of registers from which citizens can access their personal data. Source: